The term "biophoton" comes from the words "bio" - biological and "photon" - light energy, an elementary particle from the group of bosons, which is a carrier of electromagnetic interactions.
Biophotons mean biological light, or the emission of ultra-low light that is used by all biological organisms to support life. Biophotons are a natural form of electromagnetic radiation generated by biochemical processes occurring in organisms.

It is commonly believed that DNA consists of a part that serves as a classical template for protein synthesis (euchromatin) and a part that is considered genetically inactive (heterochromatin). This active part of DNA constitutes a maximum of only about 2% of the total amount of DNA, and this inactive part is "parasitic", "waste", and therefore unnecessary.
The classic explanation by geneticists that DNA segments are transcribed into RNA molecules that are then translated into proteins lacks a concrete explanation of how genetic information actually translates into biological functions. One DNA sequence can encode several different proteins through multiple splice sites.
Genes and proteins with similar sequences can have completely different functions. It is not fully explained why these protein structures can form through basic amino acid sequences.
All this information (and much more) must come from a source other than the linear base sequence of the DNA molecule. Therefore, a mechanical explanation of molecular interactions in cells is insufficient.
To fully understand a living organism, it is necessary to give up the assumption that biochemistry will enable us to discover the causes of life processes. In fact, electromagnetic signals play a major role in biological regulation. There are many indications that biophotons are the answer to these troubling questions.
Research on communication through DNA
The first discoveries regarding biophotons took place in the first half of the 20th century. At first they were treated as heresy in science, but now an increasing number of scientists are beginning to notice that biophotons are emitted from all cells and are used by our body to direct, organize and connect all biological processes. They can be called the silent language of DNA.
Alexander Gurwitsch (1874-1954), a Russian biologist, was the first to discover ultra-weak light emission produced by living organisms. He is the creator of the theory of morphogenetic fields. Based on the results of his experiments, he postulated the existence of a regulating "biofield". Georges Lakhovsky (1870—1942), however, noticed a similar phenomenon and summarized his concepts in three points:
1. Life arises from radiation.
2. It is controlled by radiation.
3. Disturbance of the vibrational balance causes the destruction of life.
Of all the scientists conducting research in the field of biophotonics, the most famous is the German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp, who used the term "biophoton" to distinguish it from "bioluminescence". According to Popp, light is constantly absorbed, released and produced by DNA molecules in the nucleus of every cell of all living organisms. These biophotons create a dynamic, coherent network of light. As he himself claimed:
“There is light in our cells. Every living matter, every organic cell - human, plant or animal - radiates extremely faint light; weak, but coherent, i.e. orderly. This light, which, like laser rays, is excellent for transmitting signals, probably regulates all energy fields in the body and intra- and intercellular communication. 1
After Popp's discoveries, many more biophoton researchers appeared. For example. in 1981, V. P. Kaznacheyev, director of the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Novosibirsk, and L. P. Mikhailova, head of the physics department at the same institute, after many years of research, wrote a book: "Ultraweak radiation as intercellular interaction", where they called the electromagnetic intercellular interaction "electromagnetic bio-information".
Among the most famous scientists researching biophotons we have:
F.A. Popp, H.P. Diirr, M. Bischof, R. H. Dicke, M. Galie, R. Neurohr, G. Altmann, J.J. Chang, H. Frohlich, Q. Gu, Kih Li, B. Ruth, B. Kohler, K. Lambing, R. Neurohr, G. Becker, H.L. Konig, W. Peschka, Ewald Fisher, W. Nagi, H. Inaba, J. Slawinski, G. Cilento, R. Van Wijk, B. Chuirot, J. Fisch, R.P. Bajpai, L.V. Belousov, S. Cohen, H.H. Jung, K. Sup-Soh, M. Lipkind, V.L Voiekol, Y. Aoshima, Z. Michiniewicz, J. Swain, Yu. Yan, D. Schlesinger, A. Dolf, Y. Yan, A. Chotia, G.N. Lewis, Y. Oashima, L. Van Klitzing, Marco Bischof, G.J. Hyland, S. Suzuki, M. Kobayasi, M. Hiramatsu, E. Ciccolo, J. Benviste, L. Wolfgang, T.V. Veselova, V.A. Veselovskii, A.B. Rubin, RZ. Bochrarovi wielu innych.
All cells in our body have receptors on their cell membrane that are able to read different frequencies of energy contained in the electromagnetic spectrum. This spectrum includes ultraviolet, infrared and visible light.
Biophotons as energy information
All cells in our body have receptors on their cell membrane that are able to read different frequencies of energy contained in the electromagnetic spectrum. This spectrum includes ultraviolet, infrared and visible light.
Soft (low-level) lasers produce visible and infrared light. Different frequencies of light actually transmit information to cells, information that is understood by receptors on the cell membrane and on the membrane of the cell's mitochondria (the cell's enzyme engine).
Biophotons are very similar to laser light in that they are emitted by our cells as coherent, monochromatic, directional and highly organized light energy (they work similarly to laser lights).
According to Popp's research, in cellular tissue light is transported almost without loss through single cells over long distances. He believed that this tissue was quite "transparent" to ultra-weak cellular radiation. In Popp's experiments, when the injured part of the cucumber seedling was covered, a strong spontaneous increase in photon emission could be observed in other places, located far from the damaged place. 2
However, the experiments of D. F. Mandoli and W. R. Briggs led them to conclude that coherent light travels surprisingly long distances in plant tissue, of the order of several centimeters. 3
Three Soviet researchers: V.P. Kaznacheyev, S.P. Shurin, L.P. Mikhailov demonstrated in over 5,000 experiments that living cells transmit biological information using photons (namely ultraviolet radiation), also from a certain distance. They placed cells in a nutrient solution in two quartz glass vessels with walls touching each other. They infected one of the cell cultures with a virus. It turned out that disease symptoms occurred almost simultaneously in the cells of the neighboring colony. A similar thing happened when cells absorbed lethal doses of ultraviolet radiation or were poisoned by sublimate. In each case, they manifested identical cases of disease, including those cells that were separated from infected cells by quartz glass. However, in these samples there was no trace of the chemicals and viruses that were placed in neighboring cells. Only when normal glass was used instead of quartz glass did the cell disease not spread to the neighboring colony. 4
Biophotonics in medicine
Scientific experiments suggest that we not only "consume" light through the products of photosynthesis, but that we are beings made of light. F. A. Popp additionally noticed that cells have the ability to absorb light. They absorb photons (and the information contained in them) supplied by external light, e.g. sunlight. They store this light and pass it on. But cells also have their own biophotonic light, which they emit. In the apparatus he and his assistants constructed for observing biophotons in cells, Popp first observed how they first released the light they had accumulated, and only after waiting from several minutes to several hours was he able to observe the constant ultra-weak light emitted by the examined cells.
It follows that, depending on our experiences during the day, we may feel that we are losing or gaining energy. When we are exhausted, we can waste our precious photonic energy. The detection and characterization of human biophoton emission has led to the suggestion that it has potential future applications in medicine. It was noted that the emission of biophotons will vary depending on the functional state of the organism. If a disease such as cancer affects certain cells, they will emit a different photonic signature than healthy cells of the same type. For example, cancer cells and healthy cells of the same type can be distinguished based on typical differences in biophoton emission. In this way, biophotons can contain information about the body's health and can be used to diagnose and monitor various diseases.
The theory behind biophoton therapy is based on the work of Dr. Franz Morell and has been expanded to include the work of doctors L.C. Vincent and F.A. Poppa. They believed that light could influence electromagnetic oscillations, or body waves, and regulate enzyme activity. Scientists found that photons emitted from biological systems make it possible to observe life processes without damaging the body, analyze them from various points of view, and provide a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon of life. 5
Free radicals and biophotons?
It is already known that biophotons are stored in the body and are used by all biological organisms for communication at the cellular level.
These biophotons can be coherent - when the body is healthy and in balance - or inconsistent as a result of free radical damage to DNA. This is the reason why the interaction of antioxidants and biophotons is important. Damaged DNA is unable to retain biophotons, which results in their release from the body being many times greater.
When biophotons are released, there is a measurable increase in free radicals - possibly as a result of DNA damage. Antioxidants have been found to reduce the emission of reactive oxygen species, or free radicals, suggesting that this may repair DNA and therefore reduce the release of light particles (biophotons) from DNA. This is the reason why antioxidants and biophotons interact with each other.
Both Popp and his team in Germany, as well as D. H. J. Schamhart at the Department of Molecular Cell Biology at the University of Utrecht (the Netherlands), as well as a group of scientists gathered around the physicist Franco Musumeci at the University of Catania in Italy, noticed that cancer cells, as they grow numbers and depending on their malignancy, they radiate light more and more strongly - even without prior exposure, while healthy cells, unlike diseased ones, glow less brightly. However, it is good to remember that high intensity of light is not a sign that the cell is harmful. This is confirmed by Popp's measurements of biophoton radiation. Normal cells, when they divide, that is, even when they behave individually (meaning they are independent), show higher light radiation than cancer cells. 6
The cause of cancer by specific molecules is widely considered to be the result of unfavorable metabolism. The biochemist H. A. Fischer (Paul Ehrlich Institute in Frankfurt am Main) showed that nerve cells transmit stimuli across the synaptic gap not only by means of transmitter substances (e.g. acetylcholine), but, more likely, mainly by biophotons. 7 The work of F. A. Popp's research group cooperating with the Pharmaceutical Institute of the University of Kiel has yielded results indicating that antispasmodic agents, i.e. substances that block the conduction of stimuli, can specifically extinguish photon exchange in the synaptic cleft through repeated excitation (so-called "multi-resonance"). 8
Popp claimed that as long as we have communication in the body, there will be no cancer. According to him, cancer is a communication disorder between cells whose growth is precisely programmed. And coherence, i.e. the ability to transmit information using electromagnetic waves, is the basic language of communication between light waves from the physical point of view. Cancer, according to this view, is a disruption of coherence that occurs in communication through light. Popp proved his claim with research. In experiments, it turned out that cancer cells - after exceeding a certain threshold - completely destroy the coherence of light. When there is no coherence, the cell is unable to communicate with others. Instead of improving, communication deteriorates even more when a new cell is taken in, and then cancer develops. 9
As density increases, healthy cells form an actual "tissue" that is physically and chemically different from the corresponding disorganized groups of cells. Cancer cells lose this collective property as they become more malignant. As a result, they remain independent individuals, grow uncontrollably and grow into healthy tissue. Popp said about cancer cells: "Their disease is the loss of the ability to interfere, that is, the loss of coherence, which makes them deaf to the signals of their own species, and eventually to their own as well. Thus, these disturbed individuals believe that they are alone in the world.” 10
Please remember that "coherent" does not mean "orderly". Coherence does not mean that we have ordered laser beams that go out in only one direction. Orderly means the ability to interact, meaning that each part can communicate with another part. Popp explained this in his book "Biology of Light" using the metaphor of an orchestra: "During a concert, it is not only about each musician using his instrument correctly. This is taken for granted. The way and moment of playing a specific tone on each instrument, the mutual tuning of the playing of individual musicians, their harmony and cooperation - all this determines the artistic level of the concert. 11
In healthy cells, the ability to coordinate and the stability of wave phases, i.e. their coherence, is important. This singularity has nothing to do with wavelength. Cells cancel each other's wave fields in order to communicate.
Biophoton therapy
Energy is necessary for the existence of every form of life. When this energy is disrupted, many bodily functions can be affected. Through the use of biophoton therapy, this energy can be rebalanced and strengthened, thereby relieving and improving many ailments. Because the body and mind are connected through this energy, not only can satisfactory physical improvement be achieved, but this therapy can also help you achieve greater mental balance.
Biophoton therapy involves applying light of appropriate wavelengths to specific areas of the skin for therapeutic purposes. When light or photons bombard the skin, our tissues convert them into electricity, which is transmitted to the brain through our nervous system. By stimulating specific areas of the body with specific amounts of light, biophoton therapy can help reduce pain and even aid the healing process.
The potential of biophotons
For example, after conducting experiments, Popp noticed that when groups of cells were irradiated with ultraviolet light of 380 nanometers or longer, the DNA was destroyed to such an extent that only two or three percent of it remained undamaged. After exposing these cells to light again, but this time at a reduced intensity, the previously induced damage was removed within a day. Popp claimed that such repair under the influence of light is possible in all living organisms. 12
Our bodies are not only chemical, but also electromagnetic. And if you increase the electromagnetic energy field (also known as "chi" or "prana") by increasing the proper activity of biophotons, you can encourage the body to heal itself.
It is therefore easy to understand that the more we increase the potential of biophotons, primarily in terms of broadly understood quality, the more health and radiant life there will be - in plants, animals and the human species. Light is energy and energy is information, so when cells are able to receive better information, they perform better.

Biophotonics in food technology
Because every part of our body is made up of cells, and light energy works at the cellular level, this energy can affect every part and system in our body.
Given the population growth, the demand for food products and industries is increasing. Due to the large increase in demand, the number of various types of food fraud is also increasing.
Traditional methods (such as mass spectrometry, chromatography, electrophoresis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and polymerase chain reaction) are often time-consuming, cost-prohibitive, non-portable, highly technical, and require a laboratory or skilled personnel.
From many years of research by Popp and his team, a conclusion can be drawn: it is not true that "organic" products are always better than "traditional" ones. Thanks to biophoton measurements, you can end fraud with "bio" and "ecological" labels. The quality of food products does not only depend on providing consumers with energy.
In fact, the differences in quality between organically grown commodities and commonly available commodities that have not been over-fertilized are very small, compared to the influence of species selection, climatic conditions, soil properties and (above all) sunlight. 13
The message of food
Popp said: “The photons released in the body during digestion from the chemical compounds of food actually come from the sun. They were originally stored by plants. They trigger various housekeeping functions in the body. Appetite stimulates and synthesizes enzymes important in the digestive process, which indirectly and subjectively determine the quality of food. Once again clearly and clearly: photons are released in the digestive process at the right time and in the right place, activating necessary life functions and deactivating unnecessary chemical reactions.” 15
The quality of food can only be understood through the prism of its effect on our body's radiation field. High quality means that food intake improves order in the body, low quality leads to "dissonance". This is the TRANSMISSION OF FOOD according to F.A.'s theory. Poppa. 16
This basic process also gives meaning to evolution: "life" means preventing sunlight from dissipating into low-value thermal energy. Living beings block the spontaneous dissipation of high-value solar energy through the highest power ability to collect it and transform it into information. Consequently, the ability to accumulate light should be considered an important basis for food quality. 17
Food, according to Popp, is the stimulator of evolution. Accumulation capacity is a key function that depends on the wavelength, species and, of course, the biological time of a living thing, which includes age, condition and rhythm. From this perspective, living things are complex sets of antennas capable of receiving and transmitting over a wide spectrum. High frequencies (short waves) primarily regulate regulatory processes at the molecular and cellular level, while low frequencies control "social" communication within and between individuals.
In this way, sunlight does not "thermalize" but is rather divided into smaller and smaller portions of energy. Popp compared it to throwing stones into still water, creating circular waves of varying lengths and amplitudes that propagate through time and space, dissipating away from the point of impact. In this case, the sun serves as a source that rhythmically throws photons into the "sea of Earth's evolution." Living things are waves and at the same time they feed on waves. 18
Tubulin - a light-conducting molecule
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt explains that our long-term memory is stored in a light field called the biophoton field, not in our brain.
Tubulin, a light-conducting molecule, transmits and receives information from every cell. WE ARE beings of light in a physical body - revealing the light within. 23
Popp summarizes his and other scientists' research and discoveries in the following words:
“Behind these results, thoughts and experiences lies the same law of nature: an invisible bond, or interference. Cells, seeds, eggs, as well as organisms and all systems capable of living, have the ability to transfer their own biophoton field outside through interference and thus strengthen it inside, in order to have the best communication base. Then and only then can they best communicate and organize themselves, i.e., for example, create a group of cells.” 24
Ancient life force concepts such as the energetic human aura, light being, prana in Indian medicine, and chi in Chinese medicine will gain new meaning with the discovery of biophotons. The revival of old vitalist concepts through objective measurement caused a scandal in the formal sciences caused by Popp's discovery. An important factor was also the realization that this concerned one of the most important and promising fields in life research.
MagaPelo - Magavena's first biophotonic product
Magavena produces specially prepared supplements based on freeze-drying of plants rich in biophotons with appropriate properties. These are not only high-quality biophotons, but also the specific information they contain, which, after being consumed by the human body, sends them to our body cells.
Our first biophotonic product "MagaPelo" is the result of many years of work and experience of a team of scientists who took care of every detail of the tomato growth process, from selecting seeds, controlling the entire growth process and the process of preserving bioluminescent properties thanks to the use of unique technologies that are consistent with nature and good for humans.
Repeated vegetative tests indicate a significantly positive effect on the human cardiovascular system and a beneficial effect when supporting anticancer treatments by supporting energy and self-regeneration processes that are crucial during such treatments.
Research is still ongoing
New biophotonic products are being prepared, which will have other information properties beneficial to the human body, therefore this article will be updated regularly.
1 Fritz-Albert Popp, Przekaz jedzenia, przeł. Anna Sztajer, Virgo, Warszawa 2010, s. XV-XVI
2 Fritz-Albert Popp, Biologia światła, przeł. Jerzy Kuryłowicz, Widza Powszechna, Warszawa 1992, s. 120
4 Kaznacheyev VP, Mikhailova LP, Shurin SP. Informational interactions in biological systems caused by electromagnetic radiation of the optical range. Novosybirsk, USSR
5 Fritz-Albert Popp, Biologia światła, przeł. Jerzy Kuryłowicz, Widza Powszechna, Warszawa 1992, s. 160;
Fritz-Albert Popp, Przekaz jedzenia, przeł. Anna Sztajer, Virgo, Warszawa 2010, s. 127-129 ;
7 Fischer H.A., 1979: Photons as Transmitter for Intra- and Intercellular Biological and Biochemical Communication – The Construction of a Hypothesis, [w:] Electromagnetic Bio-information, eds. F.A.Popp, G.Becker, H.L.König, W.Peschka, München: Urban and Schwarzenberg
8 Fritz-Albert Popp, Biologia światła, przeł. Jerzy Kuryłowicz, Widza Powszechna, Warszawa 1992, s. 137-138
9 Fritz-Albert Popp, Przekaz jedzenia, przeł. Anna Sztajer, Virgo, Warszawa 2010, s. XXX
10 Fritz-Albert Popp, Przekaz jedzenia, przeł. Anna Sztajer, Virgo, Warszawa 2010, s. 128
11 Fritz-Albert Popp, Biologia światła, przeł. Jerzy Kuryłowicz, Widza Powszechna, Warszawa 1992, s. 20
12 Fritz-Albert Popp, Biologia światła, przeł. Jerzy Kuryłowicz, Widza Powszechna, Warszawa 1992, s. 46
13 Fritz-Albert Popp, Biologia światła, przeł. Jerzy Kuryłowicz, Widza Powszechna, Warszawa 1992, s. 130
14 Fritz-Albert Popp, Przekaz jedzenia, przeł. Anna Sztajer, Virgo, Warszawa 2010, s. 100
15 Fritz-Albert Popp, Przekaz jedzenia, przeł. Anna Sztajer, Virgo, Warszawa 2010, s. 187
16 Fritz-Albert Popp, Przekaz jedzenia, przeł. Anna Sztajer, Virgo, Warszawa 2010, s. XLII
17 Fritz-Albert Popp, Przekaz jedzenia, przeł. Anna Sztajer, Virgo, Warszawa 2010, s. 152
18 Fritz-Albert Popp, Przekaz jedzenia, przeł. Anna Sztajer, Virgo, Warszawa 2010, s. 61-62
20 Pratap Raychaudhuri, Double helical structure of DNA molecule and photon. Speculations in Science and Technology, 4(3): s. 267–270
22 Fritz-Albert Popp, Biologia światła, przeł. Jerzy Kuryłowicz, Widza Powszechna, Warszawa 1992, s. 151-152
24 Fritz-Albert Popp, Przekaz jedzenia, przeł. Anna Sztajer, Virgo, Warszawa 2010, s. XXX